Clarity provides strength and guidance
We like to call purpose, vision, and values part of an organisation’s backbone. Just like a human backbone, an organisation’s backbone provides structure and support and gives flexibility and strength. A strong organisational backbone is a valuable leadership tool helping guide decision-making and behaviour.
Clarity of purpose, vision, and values are key to employee engagement. People want to work for an organisation which has a purpose that inspires them, that knows where it is heading, and knows what it values.
Catapult can work with you to develop or refresh some or all of your organisational backbone elements.
Backbone elements defined
Vision is the ambitious future your organisation is working toward, including clear bold goals.
Purpose is the reason why your organisation exists – the difference it wants to make in the world.
Values are the core beliefs that govern how your organisation works and interacts with customers, with staff, and with stakeholders.
Brand is what your organisation wants to be known for in the hearts and minds of customers and stakeholders.
Story is the folklore and geneology that defines how your organisation became what it is today.
Purpose work
Purpose is the reason why your organisation exists – the difference it wants to make.
A purpose statement goes beyond describing what your organisation does. It powerfully captures the value your organisation delivers to customers – the difference it makes in their lives. When clear on your purpose you can literally make purposeful decisions – ones that are aligned to and advance your value proposition.
Examples of organisations and teams we have helped articulate their purpose.
Making each day easier.
Pynenburg and Collins
Creating architecture that enhances the way people live, work, and play.
Volunteer Services Abroad
Helping people take control of their future.
Police Credit Union
Helping the police family build their financial future with peace of mind.
Solomon Islands IRD
Improving the life all Solomon Islanders.
Compass Health Senior Leadership Team
Stewardship of Compass Wellingtons' success and well-being.
Values work
Every organisation has values. Making values explicit helps attract and retain the right people and promotes behaviours that help the organisation achieve its goals.
We have worked with many organisations to identify and articulate their core values. Just as importantly, we help leaders to embed the values so they are real and experienced.
Examples of organisations we have helped articulate their values.
Port Taranaki
Pioneering Spirit
In Touch
Job Well Done
Mercury Energy
Switched On
Fired Up
Solomon Islands IRD
Hand in Hand
New Thinking
What’s your organisation’s backbone?
Talk to us about how we can help make your organisation’s backbone clear and healthy.