Catapult’s coaches have recently completed a series of change resilience workshops for a large organisation going through major restructuring. Catapult coach, Liz Riversdale, shares some of the approaches they have been using…
Feeling stressed? Take five.
We’ve been noticing in our consulting work that people are feeling increasingly stressed out. When we are alone with leaders and ask “how are you doing?”, it’s common for them to sit…
Resources for Leading in Turbulent Times
We’ve assembled some useful resources for helping lead yourself and others through the weeks ahead. Hover and click on the links. Taking care of your mental health in this time of uncertainty…
The business of life is life
Ask many people how they are these days and the common refrain is, “Flat out” or, “Frantic”, or some other synonym for very busy. The increasing busyness and pace of work has seen a…
Positive Defiance
Being Movember, I was inspired to get my two-yearly health check. The doctor, beginning with small talk, asked what I did. I told him I worked in leadership development. At this point…